Sunday, April 26, 2009

There's a wound that's always bleeding, There's a road I'm always walking.....And I know We'll never return to this place........

Just that there are some things about which you can never say " Its ok, let's move on"

I dunno where it went,
I dunno where to go

To seek it and find it
Or just look no more

Sometimes it scares me
Sometimes I'm in tears

But the question never leaves me
Haunts me, biggest of fears

Where did I go wrong
What did I mess up

Did I do it at all
Or was it just a mix up

Hate this feeling sitting here
Hate to think of the past

But cant hate anything
more than I do myself to the last

Right now I'm confused
Right now I know I am a reason

Right now I could cause to break
A friendship that's seen a bad season

I hate being an outcast like this
What have I done to be shut out

Have I not been there enough
Enough to be trusted w/o doubt

Then why do I feel unwelcome
Then Why do I feel I have betrayed

Then Why do I feel I misguide
I always have let ppl be strayed

I don't deserve to be a friend
I don't deserve the care I get

I dont deserve any respect
I should die alone to pay the debt.