Saturday, November 29, 2008

Climbing out but trampled on,
Cut me up in pieces,
Punish me for what I was made,
Make me hate this very breath,
This beauty of my life has been turned upside down,
By one mistake I made ages ago,
I was not wrong in being born,
Then why am I being punished for being me,
Wish to end this strife,
But seems like it will end with this life,
So whats my mistake?
Not conforming to someone else's picture of who I should be?
For being the me who could prove "him" and his ego wrong?
Climbing walls in an endless circle.....
Screaming out till my blood curdles.....
Punishing myself to lessen others pain.......
And still they wish to suck the life out of me.....
Guess what?...... they just succeeded!!!

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